GU Domain of One 's Own

Welcome to Georgetown’s Domain of One’s Own

Georgetown Domains offers personal domain names and web space to the Georgetown Community, encouraging the creation, development, and ownership of digital identities. Members of the Georgetown community will have access to tools and support to create and maintain websites and control their online identities.

Create and Host Websites

Use applications such as WordPress, the most popular web publishing platform, to create a beautiful website, a personal ePortfolio, or a blog. These applications provide thousands of options, and valuable web design skills you will apply beyond Georgetown. Learn basic web literacy, even if you don’t see yourself as technologically inclined. And if you are a technophile, explore the many other applications for creating websites.

Own your Digital Content

With Domain of One’s Own, everyone at Georgetown will be able to register a custom subdomain name that is distinctly their own. You will no longer struggle to remember a lengthy or confusing URL. Take this opportunity to learn basic web hosting skills at no cost, and then take your content with you after Georgetown. Domains can be your jumping-off point for permanent ownership of your online presence.

Craft your Online Presence

The Georgetown Domains program provides professors and students the tools they need to have a presence on the web for professional development, digital scholarship, and global community engagement. Georgetown students and faculty are given one free domain name to construct and use in their own manner, with tutorials and documentation to help them along the way.

Featured Sites on Georgetown Domains

Users of Georgetown Domains are required to abide by the  Georgetown University’s Acceptable Use Policy as well as the Reclaim Hosting’s Terms of Service. This includes adhering to copyright and fair-use laws. Georgetown University and CNDLS are not liable for any violation of these rules by individuals.
